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Mumia’s May Day 2014 message

by April 30, 2014

Mumia’s May Day 2014 message



by April 21, 2014

See also May1.info. Click picture to enlarge. (En espanol y engles): For Full-size pdf leaflet click:



by April 15, 2014

–New York City -May Day Where? Union Square: Click for YouTube in English y espanol (después de los primeros oradores) (Click picture to enlarge for details.) In NYC: Gather 12 Noon @Union Square (14 St.& Broadway); March at 5:30 Call: 212-633-6646. Visit our FaceBook page or May1.info Download the leaflet in English & Spanish. After the march […]


NRA-Apr 29


(Desplácese hacia abajo para el español: Scroll down for Spanish) Endorse the April 29th national protest for a liveable wage at the National Restaurant Association Conference  Add my name to the list of endorsers Tell the National Restaurant Association’s Conference: Workers Can’t Survive on $7.25 PROTEST ► TUES ►APRIL 29 5 pm – 7 pm at  […]



by February 27, 2014

Below are some of exciting Assemblies planned for International Women’s Day 2014. See especially the YouTubes: -1) New York City: Sat, Mar 8:– Leaflet: – En espanol:– See Facebook IWWDC. – YouTube: Why IWD & NYC specifics. – Stickers. (Uno en espanol.) -2) North Carolina: Sat, Mar 8: IWWD Down East Worker Assembly in Wilson; See SouthernWorkerAssembly.org. […]